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Issued within 2-3 minutes, Low trust level. No paperwork

Domain Validation SSL certificates available to all private/individuals, business/organization and government entities. No paperwork required; all you need is to pass domain ownership verification via one of the available methods. Greater DV SSL certificates provided with Static Site Seal logo, unlimited free reissues and unlimited server licensing. We recommend DV SSL for small websites and projects with no need to gain higher trust level by end customers.

30% OFF
OBHost LLC PositiveSSL
$3.75 / yr

30% OFF
Top selling
Sectigo PositiveSSL Certificate
$5.38 / yr

30% OFF
Limited stock
Thawte SSL 123 Certificate
$26.25 / yr

Domain Validated SSL

Secure your website in just a few minutes!

What is Standard DV SSL?

Domain Validation certificates offer an economical and quick way to implement SSL to your website. Domain Validated certificates verify you own the domain, but do not perform any additional organization level validation.

Domain Validated certificates are ideal for personal websites, blogs and social media, or any sites that are not transmitting private and confidential information. A Domain Validated certificate activates the browser padlock and enables the use of https to assure your website visitors and customers that you take their privacy seriously.

To learn more about our SSL services/packages, please click the button
to be redirected to our detailed SSL page.

All SSL Certificate

Certificate Pricing

Product Name Reissues Licensing SiteSeal Paperwork Price Action
Sectigo SSL UCC DVFreeUnlimitedNo$77.50/yrBuy Now
Sectigo UCC DV Wildcard SSLFreeUnlimitedNo$293.75/yrBuy Now
OBHost LLC Unlimited TrialFreeUnlimitedNo$0.00/yrBuy Now
RapidSSL TrialFreeUnlimitedNo$0.00/yrBuy Now
Sectigo Trial SSLFreeUnlimitedNo$0.00/yrBuy Now
Thawte SSL Web Server Multi-Domain WildcardFreeUnlimitedNo$0.00/yrBuy Now
OBHost LLC PositiveSSLFreeUnlimitedNo$3.75/yrBuy Now
Sectigo PositiveSSLFreeUnlimitedNo$5.38/yrBuy Now
RapidSSL StandardFreeUnlimitedNo$10.00/yrBuy Now
Sectigo Essential SSLFreeUnlimitedNo$10.00/yrBuy Now
OBHost LLC Multi-Domain SSLFreeUnlimitedNo$11.25/yrBuy Now
OBHost LLC Public IP SANFreeUnlimitedNo$11.25/yrBuy Now
Sectigo PositiveSSL Multi-DomainFreeUnlimitedNo$18.75/yrBuy Now
Thawte SSL 123FreeUnlimitedNo$26.25/yrBuy Now
Sectigo InstantSSLFreeUnlimitedNo$28.75/yrBuy Now

Delivered in Minutes for Instant Protection

The fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website, issuance is quick and often fully automated.

Trust Site

Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.

Boost your Google Ranking

Google uses SSL/HTTPS as a factor in determining search engine ranking. Add SSL today to help boost your Google ranking!

Certificate Features

Encrypt sensitive data

Secure online transactions

Prove legitimacy

Strongest & Fastest SSL

99.9% Browser Compatability

Increase SEO rank

Instant Issuance

Free Reissues

Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.